Hello to our lovely GlobeIn community! We are so excited to share some information with you regarding the November 2019 artisan fund. First, thank you for your donations, the money was put to great use. Fifteen artisans were brought to the ophthalmologist, providing prescriptions and glasses. Using the money that was left over, three more artisans were able to go to the ophthalmologist, making this a fantastic success!
The location of this artisan fund was in Marrakech in Morocco with an organization called Abdeslam. Abdeslam started this small artisan organization with his passion for pottery and ceramics. Within this organization of 25 artisans, 16 were experiencing eye-related problems. It was time to act.
According to an article by Employee Benefit News, lack of immediate eye-care has been linked to some serious chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. This helps to explain that- “delaying medical treatment can lead to increased absenteeism and reduced productivity, eventually resulting in treatment that comes too late, and at a much higher price tag for employers, employees and family members.”
Pictured: example of the work being done within Abdeslam
Within the three day eyecare treatment Dr. Ennassiri would work individually with the patients, recommending the best treatments. As stated by Abdeslam directly,“It will help outside of work and it will have a positive impact on their lives inside and outside the working-place.”
Pictured: Artisans and their creations
The reactions from artisans were fantastic. Some of the feedback we received from the workshop directly
Abdelhadi, one of the artisans, stated
“I had something moving in my eye but I’ve never had it checked it today. I’m very happy that I got to check it, thank you!”
Mohammed, another artisan we have worked with, stated
“I have always wanted to change my glasses but I haven’t been able to due to my financial situation. But today, thanks to GlobeIn, I’m able to participate in this workshop. Thank you”
Pictured: One of the artisans discussing vision-care
What was accomplished 
This workshop, thanks to everyone involved, was a true success. We love showing support for people around us. We hope that you continue to support the artisan funds monthly!
Pictured: Artisan Team finding the right pair of glasses