5 Resolutions You Can Stick To In the New Year

It’s that time of year when everyone around seems to be renewing their gym membership or choosing salads over pizza for lunch.

Perhaps you stopped making resolutions every year because you felt you couldn’t achieve them. The trick is to make short term goals that fall in line with your everyday values and beliefs.

Being the conscious consumer you are, these are some resolutions you can definitely commit to in the new year.

1. Be Healthier.

Your health is the most important thing you have and something you can contribute positively to over three times a day (even more if you like to snack!). Keep your body healthy and hydrated by drinking lots of water or no sugar beverages, like herbal tea. Eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Choose to make time to exercise, meditate, or take a break when needed. These are the England’s National Health Service’s suggestions for healthy eating.

2. Get Outdoors More.

Being out in nature is linked to a higher state of relaxation, increases in happiness, and lower levels of stress. Even if it’s just to your local park, spending time around nature, taking a walk in the forest, or entering a space with natural light can help improve your mood and well being. Dedicate some of your time to enjoying the outdoors will help you be healthier, happier, and more active.

3. Think Positive.

It’s easy to get into a cycle of negative self-talk or to criticize too much. Rather than seeing the worse or blowing up a problem into something bigger than it is, focus on keeping the issue small and be kind to yourself. After all, if your best friend wouldn’t say it about you, why should you? Read about how to silence your inner critic.

4. Do Good For Others.

Whether it’s giving up your time to help a friend move or dedicating one day a week to volunteering at your favorite non-profit organization, doing good makes us feel good. It also helps spread positivity and love throughout our community, gets you out of your comfort zone, and makes a positive change in the world.

5. Purchase Consciously.

And we’re not just talking about buying fair trade products from suppliers like GlobeIn. Being a conscious consumer means buying only what you need, ensuring your food and clothes are fairly purchased from the supplier and are made sustainably. Make purchases that are better for you, better for the planet, and better for everyone.

Make 2017 the year you won’t forget. Happy New Year from everyone at GlobeIn!

Post by Barbara Lee.

Barbara is a world traveler who is passionate about sustainable food systems, responsible consumerism, and holistic living. Her professional background and interests include writing, cooking, non-profit work, and eco-conservation.